Decimal to Hexadecimal

Decimal to Hexadecimal -- Hey there! So, you know when you're working with computers or programming languages, and you're dealing with numbers? Well, oftentimes, those numbers are represented in a system called hexadecimal. It's basically just another way of expressing numbers using 16 symbols instead of 10 (0-9) like we're used to. So if you need to convert a decimal number (you know, the normal kind we use every day) into its equivalent in hexadecimal, it's pretty easy! You just divide the decimal number by 16 and note the remainder. Then do the same thing with that result until you get a quotient of 0. Finally, write out all the remainders in reverse order - and voila! You've got your answer in hex. It might seem confusing at first, but trust me - after a bit of practice, it'll become second nature.

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